>>3422603What does it do better than your previous camera (D800?)?
1. Video (4k, 1080@120fps, flat profiles, n-log 10bit out, more accurate autofocus tracking)
2. Manual glass adaptation (focus peaking, focus zoom, 3m+ pixel EVF that looks like augmented reality with almost 0 lag.)
3. High ISO (The D800 was never that bad but this is a step up.)
4. An auto mode. (You will laugh but I can't count the times I wished I had a dummy proof full auto mode on the D800 when I wanted some non photographer to take my picture without having to either give them a mini course on photography and how to run a D800 or go in and manually set things to dummy mode. Now I can set it to auto and tell them to make sure the horizon is level and that's about it. Then I can go back to manual or what ever and all my settings are just like I left them.)
4.IBIS (I can shoot the 50 mm at 1/10 and 200mm at 1/30 with no motion blur nearly 100% of the time. This really improves my keeper rate. I mean look at my glass, I only have 1 lens with any VR/VC and that is the 15-30 tamron that barely needs it.)
5. Silent shooting (The D800 is a noisy beast.)
6. Shutter speed. (12fps vs 4fps There is stuff I just didn't bother shooting because I didn't think I could get it.
7. Weight (Even with the FTZ adapter it's significantly lighter than a D800)
8. Wireless tether (Snap bridge on the Z 6 works great I get 2mp jpgs straight to my phone over bluetooth as i'm shooting, I can join the camera's hotspot with my laptop and get raws and full jpgs wirelessly saved to a folder as I shoot. I can remote control the camera and all shooting settings and do tap to focus from my phone over wifi with a copy of the photo saved to both my camera and my phone. I can also record video from the camera straight to my phone, how cool is that?)
9.Usb Charging (I can charge the camera's battery off of one of those usb battery packs or my phone charger.)
10.Highlight priority spot metering.