>>3395399>It's a long storyIt is /p/ lore. Are you sitting comfortably?
Once upon a time in the land of /p/, when gear was god and faggots frolicked free there was a young lady by the name of Isi.
Isi had many admirers but two of them would play a role in out tale. One was known as Catsby the other was Poopco (aka poopchut, moopco and samefag). Both tried to win her favors, Poopco even went as far as inviting her to India to live happily ever after under the green equatorial sun.
Isi told them both to go fuck themselves. Catsby repaired to a North Sea oil rig and did exactly that. Poopco married Jason Lanier and now lives in Sonytardland. But he never forgot Isi. He amassed a huge collection of pictures scavenged from her Facebook page and shat up every thread she posted by pretending to be several anons agreeing with himself.
As for Isi? Well I've heard it said that she now haunts Route 66 with a huge black habanero tipped dildo waiting for the appearance of /p/'s favorite trucker.