>>3409786>Your reading comprehension has not improved in the last few hoursthis is the first time you comment on MY reading comprehension. Seems like you fell to your own
>You guys need someone to direct your anger at, but lack the skill to differentiate one anon from another.> I assumed you were a kid because your writing level is on par with one.shots fired. No, serious. I told you I'm not a native speaker but you rather wanted to call it a lie, believing what every you wanted to belief.
Ok, pic related: Your writing is on the 3 lower levels. The last couple of your replies to me were all about my style and tone of writing, implied things about my person and my life, my skills. You did not once actually replied to WHAT I said.
Since you criticise our reading comprehension, lets take it all apart:
You: I'll take it (if its a wife)!
People: No thanks OP, I neither need that giftcard, I can do it on my own, nor do I want to give up my hobby.
You: I can't imagine how much of a loser you have to be to have a gf or wife and browse/post here. (Attacking every non single person here)
People: giving you reasons why they browse this board and refuting your point of only losers browse it with reasons. Me being
>>3409600Anon1: Not because I’m like depressed and if I didn’t have 4chan I would kill myself. (Probably said in regards to 1. the typical 4chan user stereotype), B. Talking about you in regards to your other posts about failing in life and considering giving it all up)
You: That's a lot of projecting there pal. (attacking the writer)
You: >giving up what you love for a woman. If you were actually in a relationship with a loving gf/wife, you know you would give anything up for her.
Anon1: gives some exaggerated examples of what he would not give up for a women (although the examples arent WHAT he wouldnt give up but what wouldnt make him give up his own life)