>>3410508Nate here again, no I didn't.
>>3410438>What a strange thing for an Instagram superstar to browse 4chans photography board.I also really wouldn't use the term Instagram superstar because that sounds douchey as all hell. But I'm here because I've been on 4chan forever...I was a /b/tard back in like 2005 (embarrassing, I know), and when I realized that board was a disgusting cesspool, I looked to see what else there was.
When I was first discovering photography and trying to learn how to use my camera I came to /p/ and found some decently valuable stuff. Lots of weird, shitty trolling, of course, but once you sift through there really are some gems. I learned about gear, and some techniques, and the harsh criticisms here helped me refine my techniques. On Instagram the feedback is ALL positive. It's annoying. People just blow smoke up your ass and tell you they love everything in an obnoxious ploy to get a follow or a couple likes, but on here the feedback is honest and harsh, and I found it very valuable to the learning process. I took about a year off and just came back a month or two ago, and people I guess aren't happy about it? idk, don't really matter. That's why I'm here. I'm an oldfag, and it's still fun to read here, even though you're all a bunch of bitchy teenage girls.