>>3415440This one is real nice, real clean. Would make a good phone wallpaper imo.
>>3415441This one looks over-processed. Compositionally not bad, but the sharpness/lifted blacks/weird desaturated colors aren't my cup of tea.
>>3415443Dig his scruffiness. Good boy/10
>>3415444Vibey, but the lack of a focal point is aggravating.
>>3415446Get rid of those reflections in the top third and I like it. Nice color harmony.
>>3415447As another anon said a lot of these go well together, but I don't like this one as a standalone shot. Those mountains and sky aren't really compelling, and motion blur detracts rather than adds to it I think.
>>3415448This one is great. Moody and vaguely retro, hipsters will eat that shit up. But in a good way.
>>3415449Not a bad shot, but wtf is up with the colors? Did you desaturate the background/rocks on the mountain? The colors look kinda fucked up. Also a tad too sharp.
I'd be curious to know if these are film as well. they definitely look it, but it also seems you did some post processing after.
Overall solid job