>>3434762meh, its a picture of the moon, id say crop in way tighter and darken the blue sky a little more for dramatic effect
>>3434819only thing i can say is the DoF is pleasant, its an otherwise totally forgettable photo of a house plant, go outside more
>>3434846i hate the way canon orients their buttons, fucks me up, your photo aint bad, not special, good idea with the camo back drop, shoulda used more of it to cover the entire background, the black in the upper left is distracting
>>3434914nice and cold, but i think the ground is a tad too dark compared to the sky, also the blue and yellow tones here dont really work, fuck around on Selective Color on photoshop a little more til you get a good color scheme going, if you cant figure that out, google the adobe color wheel, its free
>>3434915not bad, reminds me of the matrix with those green tones all over the place, but it fits with the urban plan you got going, id say computationally its going nowhere, im not too sure where to focus the image
>>3434916this is much better, other days d say the building on the left is distracting but it does a great job conveying scale and size here compared to the buildings in the background, and the roads lead your eye right to the focal point, good job man
>>3434919never been into architectural stuff so all i can add here is that this is edited really well, good dynamic range and use of unity
>>3434921this would work well with the cliche "harsh BW with black sky" effect but im also glad you didnt go for the low hanging fruit like that, the coldness here is palpable and the splash of orange on that building helps that
>>3434922only thing i feel is missing here is maybe a tigher crop more into the center? like 4:5, thats just a nitpick though
>>3434924eh, this is boring, its a snowy cold photo, it aint going anywhere