>>3439622Have a 300 f/2 Nikkor lens I got in Ca back in the 80's
Heavy fucking thing.
Rented it for years to a wildlife photographer
I have it back now, and rent it to people in the film industry who want a look like that end shot from "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"
The lens is very sharp wide but its DOF is a bad joke. At minimum focus, its about 5mm deep.
The last ones to rent it had trouble with the color balance so I had to go out and show the Cine guy how to use Wratten filters to balance the look of Nikkor glass (a bit cool looking" with more modern Arri lenses. He expressed some doubts about its focus too
The guy doing the scene also had issues with getting the right look of his tracking shot, so I did a few runs with me doing it on an actual Arri digital. The director liked my version better and had to pay me and get me to sign a waiver to use the footage. Scale payment was around $450 for my 4 hours.