Nigga, why you mixing everything up? Can’t you post your series as series like every normal person?
>>3440876>>3440877>>3440879>>3440697Seeing just the first seemed lame, together they have a reason to exist. The first one is a bit smackinyourface because of filename and too obvious compared to the others. But I like that you’re dealing with the issue.
>>3440698Too messy, elements are difficult to distinguish and feel unrelated. Nope.
>>3440701Some hits and misses for this serie. Would have cropped some on the left, lack of details make the wall way too big and empty compared to other elements
>>3440704Feels a bit gimmicky to me, lacks subtlety
>>3440711Doesn’t feel tight like other comps, seems like you threw elements in the frame box and called it a day
>>3440714Again, gimmicky
>>3440868Right side feels much heavier
>>3440882It also lacks subtlety but it’s so minimal it works. Cloudy day fits. Like it.
>>3440702>>3440707>>3440710>>3440883At first I was, wtf, but this backlight empty series kinda works. Not sure what you’re trying to tell, but it doesn’t leave me indifferent. I think second would have been nicer a few steps to the right and forward, and a wider lens like the one you used in the church benches. Right now the chairs seem an afterthought.
>>3440705>>3440880Meh. Weakest imo. Why would you start a catalogue of windows? Second has been framed too much to the left. Nice colors but not enough.
>>3440709Would you look at it twice if you removed the vignette and burned low right? I wouldn’t.
>>3440712On its own it’s messy, but in a series about primary colors it might work
>>3440713Unbalanced yellow, no perspective correction, pass
>>3440716Muddy colors, would be better on a sunny day
>>3440870Good one. Have you posted it somewhere else? I’m sure I already saw this
>>3440872I felt it too obvious, and not necessary to have such a frame for a window cleaning gondola. Organic forms of trees clash with rest of series