Currently updating and editing some work. Trying to keep each series short and concise. Planning on adding some travel sections, which small edits to places I've been over the years. Not sure if I should have some written statement for some series, as I know when I'm looking at others work I appreciate it.
I've used cargo collective as hosting, where I'm using the free version. I used their paid service for my design website, and I've been happy with it. Has enough designs to choose from, and let's you apply custom CCS and whatnot.
>>3441027Some nice architecture work. I see it as more of a blog, rather than a portfolio website. You have a good eye for compositions, my favourites being the more straight on compositions, and I have a soft spot for anything brutalist. Could see you making some nice prints. Way to many shots to really offer a critique. It would be interesting to see how you'd put together a series.
>>3441076I feel as though you could combine the banff and banff pt. 2 together, same goes for the petrochemical work. Patagonia series is my favourite. I agree with the other anon about removing them thumbnails at the bottom.
>>3441099Not a fan of the drop shadow that appears once you hover on an image. Some nice shots, however I find the 16:9 nature of all the work a little repetitive.
>>3441228Not a fan of the large amounts of padding surrounding the site, and I think you could loose the grey line used as a bounding box. Is there a reason all photos are displayed as thumbnails, rather than full size? As for the work, it's interesting. Not photography I'm really drawn to, but you do a good job with interesting lighting and compositions.