really nice work anon, a lot of these are great. What state did you take most of these in? I was thinking Florida at first but now I'm not sure
>>3461086love this composition, and great colors between the trees and soft pink wall
>>3461087meh, too cluttered for me personally
>>3461089this is alright, but the actually interested things in the picture (the pink car and the small parking building on the left) aren't highlighted as much as they should be
>>3461090like this one a lot
>>3461091ehh, something about this is a little boring but I like the bridge underneath
>>3461092this is good, good composition, maybe could use a little cropped of the bottom but I'm sure I'm right about that
>>3461093love this one, great details, great colors
>>3461094could be two pictures - one of the trash piles and one of the fenced in area on the right
>>3461095not bad but not sure there's enough of a topic here, my eye sort of searches for something to grab on to
>>3461096good, basic, a picture I'd probably take and then not do anything with as well
>>3461099sky's too blown in this but love it otherwise, especially that light on above the door
>>3461100on the fence about the composition here - I like the framing of the roof but am unsatisfied of the angle of the store fronts
>>3461102good, cool subject
>>3461103unbalanced, sloppy composition
>>3461104good, a little basic for me but I'm not a minimalism fan personally
>>3461105great details, love the strong shadows too
>>3461106stephen shore american surfaces core
>>3461107this is good, good composition
>>3461108I don't have much experience with wild life photography so I can't put anything behind this but I like this a lot