>>3474023>>3474033guess I'll go on a small rant.
used pricing of pentax is kinda a hit or miss but having used my d7100 against k3 ii and my d810 to a k1 ii I can safely say that pentax cameras are fantastic.
the k1's autofocus wasn't bad at all, reviewers just loves to shit on the autofocus because everything else about their bodies are so good, not as good as my d810 thanks to group area focusing and a better pdaf sensor but hell if you can't do sports and wildlife reliably with it then I don't know, oh and the k1 performs a lot better than my d810 in low light despite having the exact same sensor thanks to a better chip/processor, k1 ibis was also performing really well, about as well as some of my VC tamron lenses.
the only real problem I can see with pentax is modern lens selection and that they don't have a good 24-70 2.8 since the one they currently have is based on the tamron 24-70 2.8 G1 and not the G2 which is significantly worse, I don't use 24-70's though so that's not a problem for me and they have the tamron 15-30 2.8 available which is the best wide zoom in existence.
in short, it's great.