>>3520558>>Nobody said it was.>It's been your Bagdad Bob routine over the entire thread, it's your damage control mechanism.No one in this thread has claimed Canon's unit sales were up, not even once, only that their unit sales weren't dropping as fast as the others in a shrinking market. Your damage control is to out right lie.
>Revenue is droppingFor Sony to, and they expect it to drop more this year.
>Operating income is droppingFor Sony to, and they expect it to drop more this year.
>They are selling les low end, and more highed end. [CITATION NEEDED]
>Enough for them to increase year over year and overtake Canon in FF total sales.But they're not overtaking Canon. The correct numbers have already been posted, you just choose to ignore them and lie by citing numbers for a financial division in charge of more than just cameras.
>>Sort of like quoting the numbers for a business division that sells other things besides cameras>That means nothing if you don't know what they are.LOL WUT? So if I can't name every last product listed under the IP&S category then we're just going to pretend it's all cameras and lenses? At this point you might as well double down on the lie by quoting the new EP&S category since it's larger than IP&S was (sells more stuff) and the numbers are even bigger. Be sure to convert to Zimbabwe bucks when doing so, that will make the numbers HUGE.
>>3520559>>>3520542>Not sure why you linked to that, the site is saying I'm right.You fucking lying piece of shit. Pic related.
>>You have no fucking clue what the margins>We know they are not as high as A7iii.[CITATION NEEDED]
>The decrease in sales combined with the increase in profit You have no fucking clue what profits/losses are for Sony cameras because Sony does not break that out in ANY recent financial report.
>>If you're going to post FakeNumbers>They are taken from Sony's website.They are the wrong category numb nuts.