>>3527785activists and flamers are bad on both sides, I'll go on a small rant.
4chan started out as a offshoot for anime fans and otakus of SA with the first board literally being anime/random(which you now know as /b/), as moot himself said it: "the web-based English anime community".
this confirms that 4chan **was** in fact an anime centered website, but now I partly disagree, the massive influx on new users have led to the people coming here for the original culture to be outnumbered by people coming for the modern /b/ culture and my beliefs state that the majority decides.
tons of oldfags(pre-2008) have not even touched anime but have been fine with it and lived alongside anime fans for years but now there's so little of those original posters and people come to this website for a completely different reason(/b/, /r9k/, /tv/, /pol/ etc.) and have objectively outnumbered the original userbase which leaves room for people to complain about this website's original culture.
I'm not saying that anime fans belong here, in fact I don't even like the newer anime fans who join this website(/a/ and /jp/ are completely ruined forever), but for better or worse, this website has changed its culture extremely, like it or hate it, it's easy to experience what this new userbase is like from both anime fans/otakus and anti-anime activists.