A personal example that I can give to help you, I too recently photographed an automobile in a parking lot.
>What is the subject?It was the ice cream truck
>What am I trying to say about the subject? I thought it looked eerie so I wanted to take a photo that showed my perspective of it being sorta creepy
>am I making good use of filling the frame with the subject?my initial framing was further back, I walked closer to allow it to fill the frame more
>What does the angle say about the subject?I emphasized the "Caution children" message on the back with my framing to greater convey my message of it being creepy
>Does what the angle says reflect what I want to say about the subject?I believe it does, but I will let other anons decide if its true
>Are there any distracting or unnecessary visual elements within the frame that take away from the subject?Like I mentioned, this too was in a parking lot, but I did my best to make sure that the viewer wouldn't be aware of that.