to split mine because "Comment too long"
PART 1 / 2
From the last 9 of your uploads:
>>3543946>daniel_severaFavourite: "Abbey Road"
This is so clearly similar to its namesake, but I like
the extra little bit of energy with the stragglers
hurrying to catch up. Also the army uniforms adds some
spice, and the general look of the street being
distinctly foreign (to England).
Least favourite: "Cat days of summer"
It's just a cat on a cat toy. The lighting is nice
though. I imagine it is more personally meaningful to
you if they are a member of the family.
Also note: Love the aesthetics of "Is that freaking snow
already? WTF!", the B&W, the grain, the light and
shadow, the lens flare, the helicopter, the snow. Really
>>3543780>vincetarrosaFavourite: Seoul Tower trio
I don't think the individual photos stand up on their
own but together they have a nice mood going on. A shot
of public transit, the view from that transit,
surrounding a proper shot of the tower. There is a
consistency in the colour and brightness. The
reflections. Might make a nice metallic print as
Least favourite: Gyeonbokgung 4 people next to road
Nice trees, but I think you need to get closer to the
subject. The surrounding image is too distracting and
confusing to look at. The scene has good potential
though with that colourful clothing.