>>3562845I have very limited personal experience with them. I borrowed a GH5 from a friend for a couple of weeks, back before I fully invested into M43. At that time I already owned an EM5ii and some lenses for family/vacation photography, had already sold all my Nikon gear in anticipation for fully investing into Sony, owned the A7iii and the 90 macro as my prime, and just wasn't satisfied for a number of reasons, so started looking into MFT as my primary system.
First consideration was EM1.2 which I was seriously impressed by, since I actually nerd out on shit like IBIS and ProCapture, but my buddy said I should give Panasonic a shot, so I borrowed the GH5, the 42.5 1.7 and the 100-400. I really, really liked the Panasonic "experience" if you will. The menus are much more logical off the bat, and the IQ was impressive, but ultimately the IBIS in the Olympus won me over, and I went full Olympus. I later discovered it was ultimately the better choice, since at the time I didn't even know about Oly's exceptional lenses that typically out perform their Panasonic equivalents, even though they are typically a bit pricier to match.
Panasonic has a good thing going though. Right now, I think Panasonic is actually poised to overtake Olympus in the MFT space. If they ship an organic MFT sensor with global shutter, whether they somehow pull off 8k or even if it's just 4k@60 10-bit internal, they will overtake Olympus as the go-to for both stills and video, IFF (strong IFF), they can nail down DFD to out compete PDAF, which means they need a hail mary for their image processor for their next generation.
Then again, Panasonic supplied the sensors for a lot of the Four Thirds and early MFT Olympus cameras, so who knows. Maybe it ends up a wash.
Hope this helps.