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[28 / 4 / ?]

g-g-guys, i'm afeard!

No.3567678 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>revenue is down 13.3% and operating profit has fallen by 42.9%. Profit before income taxes is down by 40.6%.
>sales of high-end cameras has increased — year-on-year revenue fell by 21.1% with profits down by 84.7%
>The company has revised down its forecasts for imaging for the year ending March 31, 2020, acknowledging that it overestimated both the size and its share of the market, and that the “ Shift toward ML cameras and the product mix change in the full-frame category have not been accelerated as expected.” The report doesn’t seem to pull any punches, saying that sales plan for mirrorless cameras was “overestimated,” and the company more broadly suffered from “slow execution on drawn out decision making.”