>>3568688>>3568690>>3568701See what I mean? Think about the fact that 3 leftist retards responded to this. The rule f the chans is for every poster there are on average 100 lurkers, and this is actually born out by the data, btw. So we have at least 300 lurkers represented by these 3 little twats. Probably 150 of those are left to left leaning, and out of those, probably at least 50 are the rabid cancel culture type of hooknosers that are waiting psychopathically for the first whiff of "neo-Nazism" to go into high gear over.
These little pussyfaggots are literally mentally ill and look for any iota of wrongthink to cyberpolice, especially if they can tie it to an IRL identity, and believe me, THEY DO TRY, THEY TRY HARD.
That is why this board is dead. It's not worth it to post photos here anymore if you can't get recognition for it, and even using this site is a social stigma now. This board is dead because of discord trannies and "male" enablers like in pic related that want to cancel anything they possibly can.