Nice OP. I like your shots. I assume you just left the camera on AUTO the whole time?
I know it can be difficult to shoot manual on those little EPL cams, so what I do instead of using AUTO is use A mode with auto ISO and minimum shutter speed. So, I usually set my min shutter speed at 1/60, up to 1/100 if I think I'll be shooting moving people during street photography or whatever, and then I set my highest ISO to 4000. This will give you aperture control on the one dial, and keep your ISO at 200 until your shutter speed dips below your minimum, then it will start boosting ISO.
Gives you a lot more control. I notice across your shots your ISO and aperture are all over the place. While there's a visceral charm to AUTO snapshitting and just seeing what the camera decided to spit out for you, you can actually get some pretty impressive results while still having a hands off approach if you use A mode + auto ISO and min shutter speed.
Fun series though!