Oh God. Could it be...?
>>3580612Could be framed a little better, I guess (top-right corner is a bit unnecessary), but I like it.
>>3580613Well composed, but that's all.
>>3580614This is better.
>>3580615Simple, not bad, but not remarkable either.
>>3580616Definitely an improvement.
>>3580617Snapshit, but I like it. Has nice color relations.
>>3580618With the last two, we have an interesting story. Keep them together and the "snapshit" character of the last one disappears. Somewhat.
>>3580620This one is weaker.
>>3580621...and this one is stronger. Here I can feel some substance. Seems nostalgic.
>>3580623>>3580624>>3580625>>3580627These work as a set, I guess. As a set, I can appreciate it.
>>3580629My favorite from the thread, I think. Seems romantic.
>>3580631>>3580633Again, they work well when put together. But the first one holds some value alone. I feel I don't need to tell why. Basically, relation between light and form.
>>3580635>>3580637These, too, work better together. The first one can survive without the second; the second one cannot survive without the first.
>>3580639Nice image, but lacks the soul of the other ones.
>>3580640It has personality.
>>3580643...which this one lacks, unless it's put on a series.
>>3580645Same as
>>3580640>>3580646I like it very much. Won't tell why. Hell, does it even matters?
>>3580647Not very fond of this one, but it's far from being the worst one in the thread.
>>3580648Perhaps my least favorite. But it will age well, so let's give it a time. 20 years minimum.
>>3580650Crop that part the isn't green.
>>3580651Doesn't strikes me in any way.