Last week I bought some ND filters, immediately afterwards the zoom on my 17-85mm broke, I'm also broke, so shiiiiiieeeeeettttt. Absolutely love these filters, hitting the beaches like it's June, have to use my 10-18mm lens, which is fine. Yesterday I go to a secluded cove, very difficult getting out of this place, leave my tripod down while I do 40 back and forths with my car, get out grab my bag, drive away without tripod. Head to waterfall today, open boot/trunk of car, GAWD DAMMIT, drive to cove to get tripod, gone. Seems my photography had an abortion this week, how the hell do I make money from photography? I'm broke now and need funds to feed the drug, I'm not money orientated, never sought wealth in photography, how do I turn images into bux? I literally cannot afford to buy a tripod right now, never mind some new glass and kit.