>>3630127And that death toll is anyone who died and had the flu. Not killed by it. Those numbers were spammed for weeks before shit got serious in Italy. Then it got serious and those people disappeared.
I'm particularly buttmad about this because I saw this happening in every country.
France and Spain first, Germany and UK soon. Everyone else will follow. They're all "it's just a flu" then 1 week later you see interviews with doctors and nurses, bearing face scars from wearing masks for 12 hour shifts every day, exhausted, empty eyed at seeing tens of people die every day, calling for help because they have 20 respirator lefts and there's 80 patients coming in tomorrow, but only 30 healing up enough to be removed from respirators.
It takes common sense that when the army rolls out the trucks to move bodies, it's not a flu.
Covid-19 kills you with a really bad pneumonia, in the bad cases. And there's many of bad cases, only that if you're younger you can take a tube down your throat and live.
IF you're healthy.
"complications" that kill you can be as little as having hypertension or healing up from an infection - a 36yo just died today because he was weakened by an infection he got on a trip.
And YES there's a HUGE number of people that get only normal flu symptoms: fever and coughing. It's not ebola.
Also, for the record, if one of your loved ones gets it bad and dies, you'll get to never see him/her die, as he'll be in a quarantined part of the hospital, and he/she'll be cremated without you ever seeing him/her again. So even if you're optimistic and you think "only old people are at risk", well, do it for your parents and the parents of everybody else: don't go partying around, these two weeks stay at home, go out for groceries and work, then go back home. Wash your hands and be mindful of not touching your face. Report immediately any compatible symptoms (low fever and short breath) as instructed by your government.