>>3639893Sharing isn't shilling, and I'm glad you shared... good job, seems like a great channel with a purpose and some actual planning put into it. Wondered what you were up to. I'll sub, as I grow a lot of my own food indoors and outdoors and you have a good presence on camera. I can tell within 10 seconds if I'll watch someone or not.
No, never got into wildlife video and doubt I ever will. Never had any interest in it, just still photography. I did used to produce videos on YT though, from 2008-2010 (abandoned the channel but never deleted it) and know how much of a slog it can be getting subs. You're doing great for just 2 years, and have nearly twice the views I got in the same amount of time and way more subscribers. My most viewed video is over 300,000 but I only have 200 subs so that shows you how opportunistic my approach was. I'd get a big wave of views from a current event and not retain many viewers because I never kept up a theme. Most of the people who did sub would unsub when they saw the next video because it was unrelated to the previous one and usually edgy. I wasn't trying to build a channel though, just have fun and see if I could get in the news which I managed to do. Mission accomplished.
Anyway thanks dude, and congrats... keep it up and don't be such a stranger around here.