He's really good at YouTube, marketing and editing
Not very good at photography
Ultimately an easy guy to like
Anyone who shits on him, almost exclusively, are people who aren't very good at business or photography, have weird pretence about "muh artistic values" or have some other insecurity they're hiding behind. He's a guy making a living off of social media and like almost every photographer on youtube (and most photographers in general) that means spending most of your time selling and marketing and very little time actually shooting. That's just how it goes with all but the rarest of exceptions
>>3635492 is the extreme flipside of this line of thinking, where the idea that earning a living and producing useful content are somehow mutually exclusive. This is simply a lack of logic and experience- photography has a hundred avenues and mechanisms of revenue and none of them prohibit you from also helping other people whether for free or for a profit
>>3635541because YouTube and Instagram work by the same metric- if you don't stand out or look fancy you don't earn any money, hence people use shitty gimmicks and cheap tactics to work around their inability and lack of direction
tl;dr he's alright and good at what he does and people get insecure about his marketing for some reason