>>3636708Would be better as a wider shot
>>3636709not interesting, cluttered
>>3636710this one is good. interesting subject and decent framing. go back to this one and practice editing. make the colors and highlights pop
>>3636711I like this one. It has an energy.
>>3636714shots like this that just show off how sharp your photos can be are best kept to yourself. I have a bunch of pics like this of mostly plants as well. The thing is, they don’t really show anything but a complex texture. I have so many pics of lichen that i love staring at but don’t expect others to understand
>>3636715too much space being taken up by the road. don’t be afraid to move around. Bend down and look like a fool. Also you can edit this for more contrast to make the shadows and sunbeams pop
>>3636716i don’t know what that technology is but i love the color and complexity
>>3636718not good. just a bad shot in general.
>>3636719I like it but maybe it could have had a better crop? Thats subjective though
>>3636720I feel like you almost had something good here. I can almost taste what this shot could have been. Better luck next time!
>>3636721clever. maybe you could have enhanced the contrast around the hammer and cycle so that its more apparent. it took me a second to realize what was happening even though technically it was obvious.
>>3636722Interesting. I always love seeing the ridiculous technology of less developed countries. The wiring would never meet code in the west lol
>>3636723I like the layering
>>3636726good lines
>>3636727I’m really struggling to see what you wanted with this picture. Your crop suggests the solider closest to you but the background has too much action. Either chose a single subject and try to remove the complexity of the environment or just capture the wider environment Itself as your subject