>>3692997You're making your argument very badly.
1. Show the RAW version. The amount of noise reduction applied by the jpeg processor is a variable that hurts your argument.
2. Use image size 'Comp' instead of 'Full'. The point you're trying to make is that when you control for image size by downscaling to 12MP, higher res cameras still provide a better 12MP than the native 12MP camera. dpreview lets you show them all at the lowest common denominator resolution for exactly this reason.
3. Use all the same sensor size. Otherwise, sensor size is a confounding variable. Is the GFX lower noise because it's higher res or because it's a larger sensor? Doesn't help your argument, just confuses things.
4. Use cameras released around the same time. A significantly newer camera is going to have better noise performance even with the same sensor size and resolution because sensor designs evolve and get better.
Here you go. Four cameras of different resolutions but the same sensor size all released around 2015, including the one that's basically exactly the same as the A7S II but high res, displaying as raw. Still makes the same argument you're trying to make, but without all of the obvious points where your argument can be attacked.
(Okay, I'm
>>3692996, so I guess *now* I'm involved in this argument and posting dpreview screenshots, but I still don't actually care about it)
(And this doesn't address the counterargument that some people want the lower noise with smaller filesize, which is fine. They can do what they want. It literally doesn't affect me at all)