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New APS-C vs old FF

No.3703719 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi friends,

back again with another gearthread. I currently have both the Nikon Z50 and the Sony A7 (2013) at home but one needs to go. There are pros and cons to both cameras, but I still cant really decide which to keep.

I want to have a nice and light kit only for photos. The cam I liked most of all my cams so far was the analog Nikon EM. Not very fancy, but a nice form factor and shooting experience.

With the A7 i can replicate this: A7 + Samyang 35/2.8 and 75/1.8 would be my desired kit. Very light, versatile and generally nice. The good thing is the E mount seems pretty stable, many bodies and lenses form different manufactures, although I dislike the newer bodies since they are way bigger than the original A7. But the A7 is an old cam, batterylife is poor, AF is mediocre, the cam itself feels a bit cheap.

On the other hand the Z50 offers everything a newer camera has: usable eye-af, touchscreen and better ergonomics. Also the Z glass is phenomenal, but expensive and heavy. The Z50 feels like the better camera minus the smaller sensor. ISO performance also seems way superior, I guess thats 6 years of sensor development right there.

So, which one would YOU keep, or maybe you even have it? Thanks a lot my guys.