>>3709626Ah, yes. That is, in fact, double strength cringe. What those kids don't realize is that you have to EARN the sleaze through years of hard living, bouncing checks, evictions, cheating in relationships, being 20 minutes late to everything, and generally being JUST charming enough not to get totally fucked by any of it.
That's what the stupid fucking kid in the OP pic doesn't realize. He had what, a skateboarding accident? An angry pet cat? Then he goes out and buys his first cigar (you can tell its his first because of the retarded way he's smoking it), a pair of sunglasses and tries to act like the tough one in the crowd. Probably casually mentions his handgun in conversation.
All the while maintaining the faintest, saddest boybeard you've ever seen and clasping a plastic cup of what, Tanq and Tonic? 22 year olds are the worst people.