The key to changing your coomer ways is to start small. Set achievable, short-term goals for yourself, and reward yourself when you succeed. Here's the steps you need to take:
1. Define the problem. (I watch porn every day.)
2. Set an end goal. (I do not want to watch porn at all.)
3. Set a small, time-bounded goal that you can measure. (This week, I will only watch porn 5 days.)
4. If you succeed, give yourself some small reward. (I will buy Y cool thing I've been wanting or eat X delicious food.) If you fail, try again. If you repeatedly fail a goal, consider taking a step back (I will only watch porn 6 days this week.)
5. Once you succeed, go one step forward. (I will only watch porn 4 days this week.)
6. Repeat this process until you are no longer a coomer.