Bitch and fucking moan. Whine and complain and cry and seethe. You faggots bitch an awful lot about how everyone's photography is shit. So, lets see examples of what you think is a great photo, and which photographers you truly love.
I unironically love Ansel Adam's work.
>>3747538 how did he do it boys? how is Trent Parke so based?
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Sophie Ristelhueber. Always spelling her surname wrong. Oh well.
>>3747526 There is only one answer.
>>3747556 He's just too good.
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>>3747560 >>3747561 why do pajeets always do this? did social media fuck their brains too much?
>>3747543 I think you see him taking this photo in this video: Anonymous
>>3747569 it's at 7:03 minutes in. pretty crazy how seemingly banal the scene is but he turns it into something so surreal.
>>3747569 >>3747571 >>3747538 This is good stuff. Keep it going /p.
Pic related Fan Ho, his work is outstanding.
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>>3747566 Freakin at the freakers ball
I like Daido Moriyama a lot. I find him to be a great inspiration mostly in his shooting philosophy. The way he wanders like a stray dog. very focused on creating books. not worrying too much about having a technically perfect image. his idea of the fleeting moment.
A good example of this is pic related. the way it evokes in me the feeling of a distant memory, a mundane moment in time, yet, somehow there is this subtle beauty emerging from it. conjuring in me this nostalgic feeling for a moment that I have never experienced myself.
This documentary on him is well worth the watching. see also: Anonymous
>>3747526 I like most of whoever can achieve aesthetics that are similar to this
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>>3747663 too much dodge and burn, nice photo otherwise
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>>3747799 I also really like his stuff, but I'm worried about the amount of editing he does to achieve these results. they're really more painting than photographs at this point.
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Rinko Kawauchi. Her work is probably one of the biggest influences on mine. Very intimate and minimalist.
Sugar !egyYvoBZV2
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>>3747527 This and pretty much all of Group f/64. Weston, Bourke-White, etc.
I've also grown fond of the Depression Era stuff done by Dorothea Lange and everyone else who worked under Roy Stryker, specifically the Missouri area. I can't remember who exactly shot that state but I want to say Lange had her hands on it.
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>>3747526 I don't really have a favorite photographer. I like a lot of different kinds of images, even if they aren't the exact kind of images I'd take. I take influence from and appreciate what different photographers bring to the table, and find it fit to celebrate them for doing so. Image making is sort of in my soul, it's the loudest, clearest calling in life I've ever had, and so naturally I'm interested in other people who feel the same, even if they don't approach it the exact way I would.
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Saul leiter, Greg Crewdson, Bill Henson
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>>3747799 haha I took a picture very similar to this one time
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
>>3748135 “Untitled/Osaka,” 1998
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
>>3748136 “Untitled/Osaka,” 1999.
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
>>3748142 i could go on and on, but I really love this guy.
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
>>3748145 Burtynsky is also a megagenius and all around Important Photographer (tm). His work will only become more important in the future.
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
>>3748148 his sense of scale is just incredible.
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
>>3748153 the sense of scale combined with the frequently aerial perspective almost makes the viewer feel like a god peering down on his works.
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
>>3748154 Ol' burt tends to create images of such incredible magnitude and importance that it makes anything I could ever create feel trite, insipid.
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
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>>3748162 it's a peek into a world 99% of us will never experience as peak consoomers, but you have to look.
>>3748148 >His work will only become more important in the future. >the sense of scale combined with the frequently aerial perspective almost makes the viewer feel like a god peering down on his works. You high or something? I see some shitty drone photos. You see art?
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>>3748186 >I see You don't think that's being a little generous with yourself?
>>3748136 what the hell? I love this, do you know the story behind this photo?
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
>>3748250 I believe it was a housing expo or something like that. Information is scant. A year later, they demolished it, as you can see in this picture:
>>3748137 Anonymous
>>3748297 Anyway:
Joel Sternfeld
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
>>3748809 whoops dropped my trip
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
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>>3748816 this is probably his most famous photo, and for good reason.
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
I'll play.
Irina Rozovsky
>>3747663 >>3747798 hard second on Fan Ho and Daido
>>3747806 havent seen these before, I like it
>>3748148 >Burtynsky Part of his schtick is HUGE prints. Did you see the article recently talking about how his price and other photographers of the same German school have tanked recently?
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
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>>3748826 Irina Rozovsky cont.
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
>>3748828 >Philippe Halsman cont.
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
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>>3748829 >Philippe Halsman cont.
Hey look it's the skull from the moth from the Silence of the Lambs movie poster.
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
>>3748833 Hans Bellmer
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
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>>3748835 >Hans Bellmer cont.
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
>>3748825 >Part of his schtick is HUGE prints. Maybe to collectors. I think his artistic impact is in showing the unseen, as well as documenting the unknowable scale of modern industry and its impact on the environment. You could show his stuff on 4x6" prints and they would still be incredible.
I didn't see the article about plummeting photography prices, but I don't follow the actual art market all that carefully. To me, it's irrelevant and always has been. I do know that all my photo homies started painting again, which could show an oversaturation of an already crowded market. Seems like the value of a photo in general has dropped.
Sugar !egyYvoBZV2
Clyde Butcher has always been a favorite, a shame he switched to digital but I understand why. He was a huge influence on my early work here back in like 2011 to 2014. Met him a few times, real down to earth dude.
>Gordon Parks: The atmosphere of crime This guy's work is amazing.
>>3748955 >Clyde Butcher has always been a favorite, a shame he switched to digital but I understand why. wait what?
I follow him on ig and it doesn't look like so.
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>>3749812 >wait what? >I follow him on ig and it doesn't look like so. >>3748955 you are right, my bad, he switched to a digital Leica. Sigh.
>>3749762 Gearfags won't kill this thread yet
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
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Joel-Peter Witkin
>>3748939 No. Part of his thing is huge prints. Besides his style and subject matter he is known for pushing the size limits of high quality printmaking. I wouldn't be surprised if his work isn't even available in real editions in smaller sizes.
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8
>>3748835 Silent hill shit
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>>3750782 literally. The game designers referenced his work to my understanding.