Idk, I'd try critiquing these thread for a first time. I hope I won't mess up too badly.
>>3752382Colors are nice, but what exactly is topic of this photo? If it's this orange tank, it is poorly framed, and it doesn't stand all that well on background.
>>3752385Pretty boring photo. Would do as a filler in press article, but I cant imagine going out to see it.
>>3752386Definitely strongest one of the bunch. Easily definable subject, but we cant see what he's actually doing, or how he looks like. Seeing back of peoples and umbrellas is not terribly interesting.
>>3752516I really like it! Very nice perspective. Probably could add a little bit more bightness in shadows, but I'd say very cool.
>>3752517This one not so much. Too much of nothing for me.
>>3752518Same for this. No subject, nothing standing out.
>>>3752695Technically correct image. But it is as intresting as any flower photo.
>>3752696This one is kinda cool! However I'd rather see more context, how bike end up in such unique position.
>>3752821Pretty ok.
>>3752822People have cut off limbs and heads, there is montion blurr, frame is in random position.
>>3752823Great subject, great colors, good framing. I'd try to put kid a little bit more in center, but I get that you done that in a heat of a moment. Probably best photo in thread so far.
>>3752829Good idea, but I'd rather see wider pictuer of truck, how it get so messed up, than just small piece of it.
>>3752831Verry cool, I like climat of this photo. I'd crop it into center.
>>3752867Yeah, this is good! I don't really have any critique.
>>3752893Somehow, despite being so simple it works well. I like it.
>>3752894You would need to get closer to make it intresting. Much closer.
>>3752895Nice use of plants to frame a photo, but subject is pretty boring.
>>3753023Simple shot, but I like it. A pattern, but broken, so it makes interesting subject.
>>3753030Buildings like this in midday light are hardly interesting.