>>3755999I really like the strong silhouette and sharp lines on this one, battersea right?
>>3755998a touch underexposed for me, theres visible detail in the dark space but it needs to be brought out or muted more, its in between right now. nice framing though
>>3755997This one is so nicely set up but theres nothing in focus, its kinda like staring through the image but not in a good way? Got all these converging lines and there's nothing that immediately grabs me as the actual subject
>>3755996This one also lacks a clear subject. The framing is nice but its not particularly serving anything. also a bit noisy in the sky, which is sad as its the most interesting part of the image to me, reminds me of old school oil paintings
>>3755995the stairs make a cool compositional tool but you havent taken this from a perspective that uses them as well as you could have. The London Eye is cool but youve weighted it evenly with the foreground while not capturing either well, looks like the shot wants to be two separate things
>>3755994pretty clean, textbook, good contrast and lines
>>3755993the lady snapping you is drawing my eye and could be easily removed in processing, otherwise i would have framed it differently to make the signpost stand out more along the horizon line you created
>>3755992quite nice, I feel a different lens wouldve done this shot better, and going back to my first comment on your work, you're in the middle when it comes to detail or blank space, try and draw more out or make it more abstract
first time ive given any feedback since like 2011 so take it all with a grain of salt my man, keep up the work and enjoy it!