>>3778286>What does that have to do with pretentiousness?People get pretentious when they feel superior to someone. People that buy overpriced gear that is more about looks/culture (for example leica) than quality generally do so because they are looking exactly for this feeling.
Sure, not all leica users are like this, but most leica users I have met either dont take pictures, or keep talking about gear instead of photographs.
Also, you don't need to be rich to get a leica. Even with a modest income you can afford one if you want. Hell, even if you have the bare minimum you can probably save up enough in a year or two. Leicas are very similar to iphones in that respect, people think they are rich or something when they get one, but literally anyone can get one if they save up a bit or are on a payment plan.
In the end it doesnt matter what you shoot, and neither is there anything wrong with buying something new every once in a while, as long as you take photographs and dont shift the balance towards buying gear. Referring back to my original comment, this is very easy to fall into.