>>3782212Really love the framing on this one, good use of tones and colours as well to make the white pop
good job anon!
>>3782153hows it going Terry?
>>3782149I like the exposure and the angle you were going for but I genuinely don't know what you were trying to take a photo of here, both subjects that interest me are cut off and the top and bottom of the frame
>>3782071Really cool shooting opportunity man, only real complaints are the colours highlights are flat as hell, and youre framing almost starts to remove the sense of vertigo the image has, like it loses that height and perspective cause so much of the image is this roof thats swamping the part of the image where your perspective lines are all leading to
>>3782000clean image man, nice colours coming in on the left to add some direction to it, only complaint really is a lack of highlights(mainly due to the subject), and that if you tilted it just a little more you could frame the left side with the exterior frame of the building better
>>3781954Really nice first go man, try and give the image a clearer focus, you're focused around where the first streetlamp is but there's not much going on in that strip of sharpness. good exposure and colours though
>>3781850good subjects and framing, though I feel this wouldve gone better in B&W as the colours around the edge of the frame, and the lack of contrast in your subjects lead my eyes everywhere except where I should be looking
>>3781842I wouldve liked to see more space either side of your subjects and a bit less headroom on this but its a good shot anon, nice composition regardless
>>3781807solid image anon
>>3781802another solid image, I wonder if some more contrast to blow the background out more would help
>>3781800I dont know the environment around where you were standing but I think getting lower and using those fins to frame your image more and having a clearer subject in regards to focus wouldve been beneficial