>>3812682i have the III, the I and IIs are generally more heavily used, and have the issue of using fuji rechargable ni-cd battery. all of those are long dead so you have to either power it from the brick, buy a AA holder (expensive) or 3d print your own.
the older film holders are also single format, you can use the older type on III but not vice versa.
the 135 is not a bad lens, its just... boring. i dont own one, my friend keeps it as a body cap. its basically a 60mm, little too long for a nifty fifty, too short for a portrait lens. i have 50, 125, 210. looking to get 80 and 100/4.
the 190 is a cursed lens- sounds cool, but they went overboard, its just too much. and you can get the same look with a filter.
the 3.2s on the other hand... the 180 is... its just magic. focal plane shallow as a sheet of paper, if you focus on the eyes, the eyelashes will be blurry. but extremely unforgiving piece of gear.
as for accessories: extra backs, angle finder, wide angle bellows (the 3 section kind), format masks with appropriate focusing screens. a donor release cable to rig a long exposure electronic kit.
maybe an extra rail and a pc cord if you want to use a speedlite. it has a hotshoe but its on top of the movements and severely restricts them with anything attached.
a good tripod. not necessarily a big, heavy one, but something like manfrotto element at least.
also, you have to remember that longer lenses need to get out further when close focusing, there is a scale on the rails but it only tells you how much the bellows are extended in mm. i found that full extension needs to be corrected by a stop and a half, half of the travel requires about half of a stop.
hope that helps.