>>3817485>I don't think you know what average means.Given that I was making a joke specifically about the difference between “average” and “mean”, I feel like I do know what it means?
Like yes, obviously I was disregarding the colloquial meaning how you were using it, but I was doing that to be funny. I thought it would be clear that I wasn’t trying to make a serious argument that the average Fuji owner can afford a fractional Leica.
> Honestly, I doubt [that a camera could focus more accurately than a rangefinder]Any mirrorless camera will be more accurate at focusing than a rangefinder. A rangefinder has to be calibrated to its focal plane whereas a mirrorless camera uses the same sensor at the focal plane to focus. Plus, having the focusing patch in the center of the frame means that you’ll have to do the focus-and-recompose technique with a rangefinder, and that’s going to introduce some potential inaccuracy in your focus.