>>3815392I know a guy whose 20D was still going strong until around 2016. I actually owned a 40D briefly when I was getting into digital photography, but that was back in 2011 when it hadn't been surpassed by THAT much, yet.
Yes, the 40D still takes the same good photos today as it did back when it came out. Does that mean that it makes sense to buy one in 2021 if you don't own one yet? No, I would not. The autofocus wasn't fantastic, and pushing ISO will result in less detail much sooner than with a newer camera, so in challenging lighting situations, I often found myself balancing motion blur against high ISO noise. And while ANY real camera is going to give you better image quality than a phone or point-and-shoot camera, the sensor is relatively low resolution by today's standards. So it's definitely still a good camera, but for barely any more money, you should be able to find a significantly better camera. Hell, when I bought mine in 2011, I think I paid around $450 for it, and you can get a 5DII for that much today.
>>3815416I would actually consider the 5DII still relevant today, although just barely. Even though it's the contemporary of the 40D in terms of sensor technology, the full frame sensor gives it an edge in high ISO noise performance. It was one of the first digital cameras with a sensor that you could really push into ISO 3200 or so and still get very decent results.