>>3837697Around 100-150 you can get a decent folder, with a rangefinder, which makes it slightly more useable.
They're not very practical cameras though, and they usually have 4-element tessars *at best*. That's fine stopped down, but not great at wider apertures, if you're chasing resolution.
Another cheap options for a higher budget, around 250-300 with lens, is the Pentacon six.
And further up you have the 645 cameras by Mamiya and Bronica.
In general, folders are kind of a one-trick pony. Yes they're very compact and light, and can give good results when you have the time to focus carefully and stop down, but in general they're not very practical unless you have experience with them already. The system cameras are usually quite a bit more practical, and versatile. For one, they have much better viewfinders. Plus you can slowly build a system adding lenses when budget allows, being stuck to 45mm equivalent forever ain't fun.
I have a couple Agfa folders, they're a nice addition, but I wouldn't recommend them as the *only* medium format camera you ever get.
If you have a specific usecase though and want to just test the waters, they're fine.