>>3841675Looking into the photographer's website, it seems almost as if some kind of medium format film camera is their gear of choice.
Looking further in, I see the photographer has a BFA, which I assume is in photography. I don't have an issue with that, I even looked into an MFA one time (until I realised that it'd cost so fucking much even with a government loan for post-grad, and especially since I have a BA in an unrelated humanities field, I probably wouldn't even qualify...)
But if the photographer has that kind of qualification, surely he'd pick better colours and lighting? Some of these shots look like they could have been taken on a freaking Fujifilm Instax...
I've seen work from Japanese photographer who use it for effect, but... holy shit... that dark broody feel isn't there, nor is the sense of the photo being more of a fuzzy memory. I find it hard to believe that Kodak Portra 400 looks that bad, I really do.
The photographer seems much more confident in taking narrative photos, and that's fair enough. But portraits for a magazine don't need the same narrative - that's for photojournalists on assignment documenting an event or ongoing phenomenon.
I think Elliot picked the photographer for certain reasons, and then proceeded to let him do whatever. From what I can tell, the photographer likely happily took the job for the cash... most freelancers and portrait photographers are very much out of a job because of the pandemic, and some are even considering selling off all their gear and taking a regular permanent job just to make ends meet.