>>3843801>>3843804In my case i've seen "the serious people" use it to measure: For example an island that shouldn't be seen due to theoretically being under the curve adjustment is seen perfectly fine with the camera on 2000mm.
Many disregard it as the world not being perfectly round, or commonly a Fata Morgana, but it does open the question on how round some areas are. If anything it's a good conversation starter that most people can't entertain in their feeble minds, and others who take it too damn seriously.
Flat Earth movement is very interesting because it was originally a filter to discuss other unrelated things but it got high jacked by dummies and stigmatized by retards, and the P900-1000 are the most notorious tech pieces in it.
And when it's not that it is stigmatized because it's used to shoot people from far away in compromising positions.