>>3845174I didn't expect anyone to go through the effort, awesome!
1/5: I think it looks better, so I guess I really have to tone it down one notch.
2/5: never found the sky to be an issue, I'm quite indifferent to that one, but the darker area around the lamp wirks super well and I like it.
3/5: way too dark for my taste, definitely a different vibe.
4/5: I actually like both a lot, would have a hard time choosing between color and bw.
5/5: I definitely took this photo because how the red sign stood out in the slight mist of the city, you made it much bleaker, especially compared to the pic you posted. Not fan of the colors per se, but the crop works well, I'll see if I can do anything with it.
Still this is way more effort than I could've asked for, thanks again.