When will the phone shills learn that they can't beat physics? Fake bokeh always looks "off". It doesn't take real depth into account and will never quite know where to apply, since each application will vary between photographers and lenses. It will always clash with subject's lighting since tiny phone sensors can't articulate light like bigger sensors, and can only upgrade in a way that gives a better signal-to-noise ratio (I can actually spot fake bokeh from thumbnails just from differences in the lighting).
"Stitching" an image from different lenses will only go so far as well, since they all use the same sensor (each still articulates light poorly, but now at a higher resolution), and it comes with the same restrictions as stitching images from other cameras (must be still, so action photography and most wildlife photography is out of the question).
>>3845757>accessoriesNow it's suddenly less usable as a phone.
>>3845120Add "nophoto" to the list of phrases only used by butthurt retards.