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Anyone experienced anything like this before?

No.3846781 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I don't know if any of you have ever experienced this, but I'll try to explain. So I'm new to photography, and I've been trying really hard to work on my composition and study logically how to compose a photo and what not, as well as get all the other variables in a photo right.

Then one day, suddenly photographs just started to not look quite right to me. I look at them, and it's almost like I'm an alien looking at human's photos with none of the human brain features that make us perceive things the way we do.

The problem is now I don't like any of my photos, I can't find any compositions when I'm out, and I often don't like professional photographs either. Everything feels so cluttered, the imperfections in the world just feel overwhelming to any photo i see unless it's heavily simplified.

It's really frustrating, it almost feels like I'd suffered brain damage without knowing or something. Perhaps I'm just burned out on photography. I'm just crazy, right?

I just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this?