>>3849525nice colours
>>3849544this is a cute moment, nice pic
>>3849588still overcooked
>>3850055mood here is very nice
>>3850174would love to see a finished panorama of this, lovely snap
>>3850414>>3850423these are kinda comfy
>>3850473>>3850254love these shots but they're tiny as hell... why? do a 1920px crop so we can at least see the details in the photo
>>3850484>>3850767>>3850777>>3850788way overcooked. this is why you shouldn't rely on lightroom presets. because you have no control over the amount of processing, learn to do this yourself.
>>3850794why do americans willingly let their cities turn into this lol
>>3850834lame fucking photo don't be a ledditfag and exploit the homeless because you think it's quirky and edgy.
>>3850843>>3850841>>3850755>>3850753>>3850747>>3850744>>3850742weird and cringe autism snaps. learn to take a photo and shoot something interesting. the camera you have is not an excuse for bad photos.
>>3850847this might have come out okay with a tripod.
>>3850856cause it actually did come out of a cheap piece of shit. look at the quality of his snaps.
>>3850897you should be using higher depth of field since you've got some weird blurring on the trees. it's cool shot though.