>>3854417woudl be
>>3854433shame its soft nice photo op
>>3854542would be better if you learnt how to use a cameara
>>3854637fucking nice need to get me a russian telelphoto u did good
>>3854639nice nice ncie
>>3854653too bright nice mood and stuff maybe pick an angel higher the moutains and stuff is much better than just carparks.
>>3854759decent but not spectatular
>>3854764weird as fuck hdr the subjects arent centered. I mean if you took this with a 50mm it would be the same image just better. Decent enough apart from awful colours and sky and focus and not centerd. go back there stick your camera on infinity and darken the bleeding aperture. I would have said taken on iphone not a pro dslr that costs more than my car.
>>3854776decent comp is a tad boring though less is more sometimes.
>>3854810boring as cursed images. this one is about the man with one arm that kidnaps little cannon cameras.
>>3854857Love this lad. mybe colours a tad cooler. apart from that you did it
>>3854861decent as well good job have a star
>>3854862bit messy and not everthing is exposed correctly.
>>3854867why u cam takin these tiny as photos ? really like the actual image but come on like 40% of this jpg is a white frame. come onnnnn
>>3854888pretty good dude.
>>3854902not bad for an attempt. if your trying to do proper series you could have done a better background and a fill light .
>>3854904have your gf clean her face before you take photos of just her face. I have to say that to mine as well.
>>3854911Just cos u can do hdr doesnt mean you have too.
>>3854918christ didnt even notice yer man until you cropped it.
>>3854931its not a boulder its a rock :')
>>3854977decent as frig hes a character.
>>3854982decent never had the paintence for this lark
>>3854991would have darkened the aperture myself.
>>3854992fairly decent just for a sky. clean your sensor.