>>3917566>MFT YouTubersBecoming an endangered species, I feel.
David Thorpe passed away, sadly.
Peter Forsgård has interesting photography topics, but his videos seem a bit meh in terms of overall audio and video quality.
Sulantoblog has ceased being a Lumix Ambassador and has even bought into Sony.
Red34 feels like he pads his videos like hell.
Micro 4/3 Guy seems a bit too boomery...
Robin Wong... He's got the best intentions, but I feel like he's hard to watch without feeling kinda sorry for him...
I started thinking about other bigger YouTubers...
Kai W is a pretty funny guy, and he's better when paired with Lok Cheung, but the only MFT stuff he's done is the GH5, GH5S, BHG1, G100 and GH5II... which I think is fair enough, and his main camera is a GH5. But there's nothing on Olympus at all...
DPReview is strange, and I understand the fact that they have to review all sorts of different gear, because they're literally being paid by Amazon to do so, but I did enjoy their episode on APS film, and they have a lot of positive things to say on Olympus and Panasonic stuff - I understand Jordan Drake moved over from the GH5 to the S1H for the dynamic range though...
Gordon Laing.... I haven't seen too much of his stuff, but it seems like he's got some good MFT reviews.