>>3901483Bro editing will do nothing if your aesthetics are shit. Just checkout the photographs of Yukio Mishima if you want to copy body aesthetics in photography. Yes he was too homoerotic but you should see for yourself what kind of poses you want to make. Giga Chad looks really mature and in metallic grey/black&white color grading so checkout that out too. It depend on you anon, if your only concern is pussy then use color. But if you do really care about aesthetics and sophistication then my vote is for black and white. But go on experiment with composition, set, location, pose, clothing, indoor lighting, out door lighting etc. and see for yourself what do you prefer.
Download VSCO or LXC presets and you're good to go. I have seen many profiles of LA or beach roasties who use LXC presets for giving that warm summer hoe vibe. Main thing for LXC is to shoot outdoor on a sunny day. Their black and white presets are fucking cool too.
Checkout the self portraits of Robert Mapplethorpe. Yes he was a homo too, kek but his photography aesthetics were very good. He knew how to play with bodies.
Male body aesthetics are superior to wom*n so represent your the aesthetics like an solider figure for life #nohomo.