>>3913666Source, if anyone’s curious:
https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/06/2020-28692/phenol-isopropylated-phosphate-31-pip-31-regulation-of-persistent-bioaccumulative-and-toxicHonestly, this smacks of a bullshit excuse from Fuji to me. Like, Velvia 100 wasn’t profitable and so they wanted to axe it, but they know there’s always a PR backlash when they discontinue some of their film, so they found an obscure new EPA rule to blame it on. As evidence, I would cite:
1. This doesn’t seem to affect any of their other films
2. The chemical in question is usually used to make plastics flame retardant, so probably something used in the film base itself instead of the emulsion. So they could just change how the film base is made. Which they’re probably going to do with all of their profitable films before the deadline.
3. They’re killing it immediately instead of waiting for the deadline.
4. As a major chemical company, they certainly knew about this new rule that’s been coming down the pipe for over a year, and so they probably even took some part in creating it during the comment period. There’s a specific cut-out for aircraft lube in there; Fuji could’ve gotten a cutout for film. There’s a *delay* for film, which I’m guessing was Fuji saying “hey, this is no problem, but give us a few months to formulate a replacement for the film we care about”