>>3953849Quite surprised to find one of my photos in catalogue, so perhaps I might share some of my thoughts on the topic.
It has always been my view that if one wish to produce a picture of a particular aspect ratio, then it must be composed accordingly in camera. This might mean using built-in crop(sadly available only on a handful of cameras), using a home-brew template (pic related), or gauging the composition with the existing frame-lines such as 3x3 or 4x6 ones.
Another aspect that you might like to look into, as
>>3954024 mentioned, is how the dark areas plays out in a "cinematic photograph". I don't know how to put it in words concisely but a "cinematic photograph" seems to me tends to bias more towards the left side of the histogram, but without being underexposed, or losing details in the shadows, while using the bright/highlight areas.
>>3953863not a fan of the halation effects desu
>>3953979fair judgement. I sometimes wonder if the wide-crop that I'm so keen on is a dumb one-trick-pony and that I've barred myself from greater creative modes because of that
>>3953879>betrayal of both photography and cinemaI don't understand
>>3953858highly doubt so