>>3964963Need about 3 stops more light.
>>3964966Weird tilting going on. And some random bush is boring.
>>3964969Literally just a picture of nothing.
>>3964976You forgot to focus or you have some crazy digital zoom going on here.
>>3964978If the dude is the subject then wait until he is framed by something. Not blocked by a pole.
>>3964979A bush. Why?
>>3965193Blurry weeds. Why?
>>3965196A bunch of twigs? Which twig am I supposed to care about?
>>3965197Some random walking away. I’d complain about this one but that’s most shitty pretentious street photography anyway, just instead with more obviously poor people.
>>3965818More random twigs. Which twig am I supposed to give a shit about?
>>3965820More random twigs but also too dark.
>>3965821You sure do like twigs.
>>3965824Out of focus. Tilting.
>>3966666>>3966668>>3966669Too dark.
>>3966672Some random dude’s back. Why do you care about some random dude’s back?
>>3966675Shoot it in portrait and step a bit to the right to frame the weird bush thing.
>>3966677Okay so it’s a photo of a bush, why do I care about the bush?
>>3966679More twigs, too dark.
>>3966680Out of focus.
>>3967510>>3967511>>3967512Too dark.
>>3967514That’s okay I guess.
Okay I am getting bored of this but the rest are the same problems.